Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I had to go up to Balbriggan. I had a hard time getting up since I didn't sleep well last night. So, I almost ran to the train and almost missed it. I ran up the ramp to get to the train and had to push lots of people out of my way since their train just let them off at the same basic platform (other side but shares a walkway). Some people didn't want to move so I had to push them out of my way. I know it isn't very nice, but I had to catch the train...

I finally realized, that there are people on the train when I get on so this can't be the first stop. On a whim, I decided to check to see if the train stops at my local station, which is a 7 minute walk instead of a 15 minute walk. The train does stop at my local station 4 minutes earlier than the station I've been using. That means that I can leave about the same time and not have to 1)walk as far, 2) walk as fast. While I don't mind walking fast, I usually have a heavy bag and it makes my back hurt to carry it. So next week, I get to use my local station which is also easier to navigate since it is much smaller.

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