Thursday, October 05, 2006

The good, bad, and ugly

As I have written about before, I have worked in a variety of different settings. In my work with children who attend mainstream schools, I have consulted with teachers and principals. They frequently ask me for suggestions and ways to carry over therapy goals in school. Sometimes when people ask for suggestions on how to work with a child, they then tell me why my suggestions aren't doable. Other times, they appreciate what I have to say and I think that they will carry over goals. I try my hardest to give practical suggestions because it makes it easier for people to carry over and easier for my clients to learn the concept because it is in context.

Then there are the people who are difficult to work with. They question everything. Now, I don't mind when people ask me what my qualifications are. I will happily tell them. I do have an issue when people tell me that I can't possibly be good at my job because I don't have children of my own. Or when they question every little thing that I do. Or my personal favorite: that I am not old enough to have the experience necessary to work with a child! I don't take these things personally. I try my best to reframe the questions and try to figure out if I think they are really asking something else, which I think they usually are.

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