Saturday, September 30, 2006

Joys of Moving

Last week a new speechie moved to Dublin. She is currently staying with us because she can't find affordable accommodation and I thought it was silly to use all her relocation money on B&Bs. It has also been really nice having someone besides John to talk to. Not that he isn't fun to talk to but it's fun to talk to a girl! Since J left, I haven't had much girl contact and don't really have any good girl friends here. I have some friends but no really close ones.

N's shock upon moving here has also reminded me how I felt just one year ago and how much I have settled into my new country. People have questioned me why I am having N stay with us but I couldn't let her stay in a hostel (not that hostels are bad but you shouldn't live in one if you don't have to). Also, when coming to a new place where you don't know a soul, it is just nice to have someone reach out to you and help you. It is what I would have liked when I moved over. M helped me a bit but there wasn't anyone saying "OK, do this, look here, try this, I know it sucks but you are doing all you can..." That is what you need when you move to a new country with no direction or help (the recruiters did a terrible job). So, that is what I try to do for new people. It is all part of my trying to make my corner of the world better.

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