Thursday, September 14, 2006

Happy year Dublin (Mis)Adventures

It is actually a little over a year ago that I started my blog. It is hard to believe that I've had the blog for a year and have made a little over 230 posts. I am averaging a little under 100 hits per week which I think is pretty good. I know lately my blog has been more of a travel blog but we've travelled a lot this year. Soon I'll be posting Irish stuff again.

With the seasons changing, I have been once again reflecting on my life here in Dublin. This week, I was told that I said something "very Irish." Another mate teases me that I don't speak Irish enough. Guess you can't win. However, I have changed my vocabulary in subtle ways. I have started "thinking Irish" lately. I have also started spelling the Irish way. Slowly, I seem to becoming Irish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember there is no u in color.