Friday, November 30, 2007

Random tag

A while back, I got tagged and haven't played the game. Here are the "rules"

8 random things.
Rules are as follows:·
When tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you.·
Then post the rules before your list, and list eight random things about yourself.
At the end of the post you must tag and link to eight other people.

So, 8 random things about myself.

1. My favorite color is purple. Nice, dark, rich purple that is hard to tell if it black, blue, or purple.
2. I started out college pre-med and while I was trying to decide on a major, my brother-in-law suggested that I check out that speech pathology therapy thing since one unemployed college grad in the family was enough (he was joking about the unemployed part).
3. I had a Siamese cat names Smokey when I was a kid. I absolutely loved that cat.
4. I met John in an "Irish pub" in the U.S. where a mutual friend went weekly.
5. I have a brother and a sister.
6. One of my favorite books is "So long a letter" by Miriama Ba.
7. I like white cheddar better than red/orange cheddar.
8. My friends tell me that I make the best chocolate chip cookies ever!

So, I am supposed to tag others. I am only going to tag a couple others: Chick with Stix, Lien, and Lisa.

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