Saturday, November 10, 2007

Dunmore cave

While in Kilkenny, we toured the Dunmore cave. It is an underground cave and guided tours are provided to a very small percentage of the cave (which is still a decent sized area). The cave was the site of a massacre in the year 928 AD! The locals used to use the cave as a hiding place when they were attacked. They would hide in some of the chambers of the cave because most people were afraid to go into it because they thought it was the gateway to Hell.

The Vikings were raiding the area and weren't afraid of caves. So, when the women and children ran into the cave, the Vikings killed the men who were trying to defend it. The Vikings then ended, took any treasures, and set fires in the cave. Most of the people in is suffocated from smoke. During the massacre, the Vikings dropped coins (which they apparently adhered to their bodies with wax) and these were left in the cave. During later excavations, these coins were found! Human remains were also found and the excavation results corresponded with the local legends of the cave.

The cave itself is interesting. I have never been in one like it. There are many interesting rock/calcite formations. As usual, the OPW guide was excellent and very engaging.

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