Thursday, February 15, 2007


Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment at a local hospital. My doctor referred me for some tests. A bit over a week ago, I got a letter in the mail saying that my appointment would be at 11:15 AM. I didn't get to make the appointment or have any say in when it was and the doctor was only in on Wednesdays so the appointment had to be a Wednesday at the time they specified. I also had to rearrange three things to make the appointment because if I had to change it, there was no knowing when I'd get another appointment.

Anyway, I left my apartment a few minutes past 10:00 AM. I stopped to get cash and a litre of water. I got to the train station and had to wait 20 minutes for a train. Finally, one came and I took it to the stop I needed. Since I am directionally challenged, I went in the opposite direction that I needed to go. So, I walked for a few minutes and got to the sea. I turned around and then followed the map to the hospital. I got there about 11:20. I then waited in line to "check in" until 11:45. I then waited until about 1:15 to be seen by the doctor. One of his registrars (still don't know really what they are) saw me instead of the person I was referred to. He read the referral letter and I recapped what my concerns were. He then handed me a bunch of paperwork for a ton of routine blood work and put another referral into a different basket. I was in his office 5 minutes at the most.

After leaving his office, I went down to where blood is drawn. I had to take a number and they had one of those displays showing what number they were currently on. So, I waited some more. Since I was freezing by the time my number got called and it is difficult to draw blood from me anyway, I had to run my hands under hot water so that the lady could get blood out of them. She then drew the blood and I got to go home. It was 3:00 PM by the time I got home. Now I get to wait 4-6 weeks to go back to the hospital for more tests...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a terribly difficult day for you, I hope all goes well with your tests. It's good to know what the Irish medical system is like.

And thank you also for the important information on the Dublin Blog about green cards etc.