Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Good to be home

Last night we got back from a long weekend in Brussels. It was a very interesting city and I took tons of pictures while I was gone. I have now transferred most of the pictures from my camera to the computer and will soon look at the images and rotate them. And then, I can post them!!!

I like to travel but it is always nice to come back home. I miss my pillow, my own bed (even though I don't like my bed here in Dublin) and my cats. Tiffin has grown while I was gone and Darshin missed me. He slept by me last night and managed to get me to pet him in my sleep!

The end of the conference was good. Last Tuesday, I took a river cruise. I brought my camera but only took a picture of the boat, which the current Pope had ridden on! I intended to take pictures but ended up talking the whole evening with other people who live in Dublin.

Wednesday, the conference had organized a night at a Dusseldorf brewery. It was also a good evening. I wish that I had taken my camera to the event because there was some interesting food served. Most of the buffet was good and there was a good variety. However, one of the things served disturbed me. It was some sort of minced/ground meat. I am not sure if it was cooked or not. It was also in shaped into a cylinder. On top of the cylinder of meat were two lettuce leaves, a round red thing in the end, and then another lettuce leave in the back. Think rabbit face and tail! Needless to say, I did not eat any of that thing. I did enjoy the apple strudel, though.

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