Saturday, September 17, 2005

Irish expressions

Frequently at people look at me funny because they have no idea what I am saying so I am documenting some of their expressions that I have learned.

Expression: what means

dear: expensive
gorgeous: for food: tastes really good
goregeous: for people: are nice or cute (especially for kids)
lashing: raining hard (but not a downpour. It is used by a couple peopleto describe moderate rain and even sometimes a light rain but it is meant to be bad rain or wind/rain)
crap: Ok, this one is self explanatory but it is said A LOT and it usually means is stupid, or poor quality. It is not used as a swear word. I say this word a lot now
lovely: is nice or good
brilliant: great idea (yep, they say this and it isn't just on the Guiness commercials)
trousers: the clothing worn to cover the legs (aka jeans or pants)
pants: underwear
knickers: underwear
love: a person, usually female and frequently said by a guy (e.g. "thanks love")
pet: a person (not an animal) who is being nice or is a nice person, usually used by women
"you're so good:" I think that this is a way of saying that you are a nice person, usually said after doing a good job at work or a good deed (my landlord told me this many times after I asked her if I could have Caineal in the apartment and that I was rescuing her)
"what what:" it means what but people ask twice often here
people also say "bye" about three times before hanging up the phone. I haven't figured out if it is rude to hang up after the first bye but they say it so fast that usually they say all three before I hang up
"how long you be here?" This actually means how long have you been here, not how long will you be staying
Half 9: this means 9:30, they do also say half past 9 but rarely say "nine-thirty." More people say it to me after they find out I am American
Autumn: fall, they don't say fall at all and I got teased for saying "fall" instead of "autumn"
"have a think:" Think about something (for at least a day, up to maybe months) and (maybe) form an opinion/make a decision, means "to ponder"

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