Our Lonely Planet guide book said that the Labyrinth in Buda under Castle Hill was expensive by Budapest standards but "good fun." So, we wandered around and finally found the entrance. Since we had gotten the Budapest Card (well worth it), we got a discount on ticket prices and on in we went.
The labyrinth was really "interesting." I think the point was to try to guess what they have been used for during history. There are replica cave drawings on the wall. There are statues around and almost every room had different music piped into it. Towards the end of the "tour," we got to a series of rooms called the "other world." These were by far my favorite. See, the descriptions of the rooms were written in a future perspective looking back on the world today. The world was occupied by homoconsumerists and they led a strange life indeed. Try to identify the pictures of what they put into the display. The first four pictures in this post are not part of the homoconsumerist display. I might even give a prize to anyone (other than John) identifying all the pictures correctly.
Edited to make clarification: the last 5 pictures are the ones to be identified and the first person to identify all 5 correctly (other than John) will get a prize. :)
ok, I am going for laptop, coke bottle, atm machine, mobile phone, and a nike shoe print :)
Always love the travel photos.
Inheritor of heaven, you didn't guess on the first picture, the one that is the 5th picture in the post. :)
I'm glad that you like the travel photos. I enjoy taking them. :)
Inheritor of heaven's ATM guess was wrong?? I was going to say the same. Is it a payphone? Or a kiosk for buying tickets?
I didn't say any of his guesses were right or wrong. What I said (or meant to) is that he only guessed on 4/5 pictures.
Oops, I miscounted. He did guess on all five but all five are not correct. Not saying which one(s) are incorrect...
laptop, Coke bottle, Nike foot print, cell phone, microwave
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