Thursday, March 02, 2006

You didn't pay for this far

Today I went to the chiropractor to get my spine assessed. My friend M has been going to one and she really likes it and said that it has helped her a lot. Since I have back problems and fell a couple weeks ago, I thought I would get it checked out. So, I went before work and the chiropractor said that I needed an x-ray to make sure that I didn't fracture my tailbone when I fell (which I didn't).

I went to get the x-ray after work. On my way home on the bus, the bus driver pulled over and stopped the bus. He got out of his little driver area (there is glass and a door between the passengers and the driver). He walked all the way to the back of the bus and told a lady that she asked for how much to Fairview and she passed Fairview. She either needed to get off the bus or pay an extra 95 cents to go to city centre. The lady protested but the bus driver said that she was going to city centre and needed to pay the whole fare. He then went back up to his driver area and waited. Eventually, she dug out more change and went up and paid the extra fair.

I suppose I should explain how the bus system works. You pay a base fare, 95 cents at the moment. That fare gets you a certain distance. If you want to go farther than that, you have to pay more. However, you don't pay 95 cents more. For example, if I didn't have my bus ticket (I buy a monthly one) with me, I would have to pay 1.35 each way to get to work and home on the bus. So, the lady shouldn't have had to pay another 95 cents. She should have only had to pay 40 cents. I think that the driver was mad (obviously) and wanted to prove a point that she paid for a certain distance and since she didn't pay the whole way, she had to pay 2 base fares.

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