Wednesday, March 07, 2007


This year for Lent, I gave up caffeine and alcohol. I gave them up for a few reasons. When I gave up alcohol, I knew I would have some awkward social situations (but have thus far avoided them). I hadn't really thought about the giving up of caffeine. Saturday, a lady next to me at the knitting group ordered a cappuccino. It smelled sooo good and made me want one. But, I couldn't have one. At lunch one day, I was talking about how difficult it has been to give up caffeine even though I don't drink that much of it anyway. One mate commented that you are supposed to give up nice things for Lent.

Recently, I went into the staff room to let people know I was leaving. Someone came up to me and asked if we could have a chat. I said I had a couple minutes as I had a taxi waiting. He then asked if I wanted coffee. I said, no I was fine. He then asked if I wanted tea. I said no again. He looked a bit uncomfortable. I then said I gave up caffeine for Lent. He smiled and said that they had water. I assured him that I was fine and we found an empty room and had a quick chat.

I couldn't help wondering how the interaction would have gone if I had told him I just don't drink caffeine. Tea is such a staple in the Irish diet. Not drinking it or coffee is seen as very strange. Some mates even tease me that I drink herbal or green tea instead of the black tea provided by work.

I also wonder how it will be when I am in a situation where I would normally drink. We have gone to a couple pubs since Lent began but the people with me knew that I had given up alcohol. The waitresses have given me a few looks but I can handle that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A couple of years ago, I gave up alcohol for lent. I had some issues in social settings, since I didn't tell anyone I was giving it up. When I was in a bar, I often drank cranberry juice with club soda and a lime, which gave people the impression I was drinking a Vodka Cranberry. A favorite bartender of mine figured out that I wasn't drinking and starting concocting soda drinks which looked like beer. (Hey, you might remember this bar! I took you there when you visited me years ago. It's called Tattooed Mom.) When my friends figured out I wasn't drinking and they asked me about it I just told them I didn't feel like drinking. Eventually, I think everyone thought I was pregnant. The day after Easter, I went out for a beer and everyone made a big ruckus about it. That's when I finally told them it had been for lent. Strange how funny people can be about changes in their friends behaviors. Even when they only last 6 weeks!

**Funny side note about cranberry and soda: A friend of mine saw me drinking them and said "Wow, that looks good!" and ordered Cran and Vodka. After he and I each drank like 4 (pint sized) and he was pretty drunk, he's like "How can you still be sober?!" I laughed when I told him there was no alcohol in my drink. heh.