Saturday, October 15, 2005

good weekend

This weekend has been good so far. Last night John and I met up with some of my mates at the Porterhouse North to enjoy their Oktoberfest celebrations. I had three beers and 2 cocktails total. It was a lot of fun. Not just because of the drinking, but it was fun to just get out and be social. Today I worked on programming a communication device then went to the Porterhouse by us. We had dinner and drinks and it was yummy as usual.

Today was a beautiful day and it was a shame to spend it inside but hopefully it will be nice tomorrow so we can go do something fun. Caineal and Darshin continue to get along pretty well, as you can see by the pictures.

Last weekend M and I went shopping at a mall in the suburbs. They have a larget pet store and we got the pets treats. Caineal especially liked hers. :)

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