Wednesday, December 07, 2005


In Ireland and the UK, quizzes appear to be very popular. The last two trainings I was on, they used the quiz format to test our recall of information. Pubs also have them on a pretty regular basis. Some pubs that is. Here is how they work.
1. Get into teams of about 4 people.
2. Either one team or all teams are asked a question.
3. If all teams are asked, each team writes their response down on a piece of paper. Usually about 10 questions are asked at a time in this format. The papers are then collected, scored, and answers given.
4. If each team is asked a question, the team members confer and then a spokeperson gives the team answer. If they get it wrong, usually another team can try to answer for fewer points.
5. There seem to be at least 5 round of questions per quiz. If the teams are writing down answers, there seem to be many more. Basically, they can go on for hours with a break in the middle (these are the ones at the pubs).
6. A variety of questions are asked during the quiz on a variety of topics but usually there is a theme. For example, the one at the pub I went to had a lot of Irish history and geography.
7. People really get into the quizzes and quibble over points and correctness of the responses.
8. Oh, there is an official "quizmaster" who asks all the questions. Usually at least one person (not quizmaster) is the judge.

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