Thursday, April 20, 2006

Electric stoves stink

I love to cook. Today I spent two hours in the kitchen making cookies, home made barbeque sauce, barbeque chicken and mashed potatoes. It was quite yummy.

Because I love to cook, I have always used gas stoves and ovens (cookers). Back home when looking for an apartment, I would phone the places and ask what type of stove the apartment had. If the response was electric, I wouldn't even go see the apartment! I like gas stoves better because you can control the heat level precisely and you can also see when the burner is on. When you turn the burner off, the heat goes away so burners don't stay hot like they do on an electric stove top.

Yesterday, we got home late and I made a quick pasta and sauce. I dished up John's and my food and went to pick up John's plate and ended up dropping it on the stove. The food fell all over the floor. Caineal enjoyed it while we cleaned it up and I dished up the what was supposed to be the left overs for lunch today for John to eat. I dropped the plate because I set it on the hot burner but I forgot that was the burner that I used to cook the pasta.

Today, I set the bowl that the chicken was marinating in on the stove since there wasn't counter space to put it as I peeled the potatoes. After a few minutes, I started to smell a nasty smell. I didn't understand why and finally moved the bowl to find it partially melted! I had turned on the wrong burner. That wouldn't have happened if I had a gas stove.

Also, I have burned myself at least 5 times since I moved here. While that may not sound like a lot, I can't remember the last time (before I moved here) that I had burned myself cooking. Ah, someday I should adjust...

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