Monday, August 11, 2008

Where's home?

Periodically, people ask how we are settling in after our move. People often ask how it feels to be "home." This is something that I have been giving a lot of thought to lately. See, when Aileen came to visit, I found myself referring to Dublin as "home." I did this without even thinking. For example, when we took her to an "Irish Pub" for dinner (for the humor value since it is NOTHING like an Irish pub), I looked for the bathrooms and upon finding that they were downstairs, I thought, "oh, they're downstairs, just like at home." My next thought was, but I am home. I also referred to Dublin as home during conversations with her. I thought is was maybe because she is from Dublin so it made sense. When talking to my sister this weekend, I also referred to Dublin as home a few times. This seems to be happening more since we've moved, rather than less. I'm not really sure what this is about. I wonder if it is because we aren't truly settled yet (and I don't think we will be for a while). We haven't "laid down roots" yet.

Anyway, these references and my thinking has made me wonder, what is home? Where is home for us? Do we have one? has 31 entries under the search home! The one that I think is at play with me is this one: "the place in which one's domestic affections are centered." See, we have multiple places with "domestic affections." Does that mean that we have multiple homes since I don't think there is one place where the affections are "centered?" The old saying says that "home is where the heart is" which means that, yes, I have many homes. One is where I grew up, another where my sister lives, another is Dublin, and finally where we are currently living!


Lien said...

I've heard one definition of "home" recently:
Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.

Haha. I still think of my father's place as home.

Yvonne said...

I know the feeling, it's so tough settling into a new place. Dublin is home for me now, but my parents is also home, and if anyone asks, I'm 'going home' for Christmas. It's confusing to me and everyone around me.

You know you're welcome to come 'home' to visit whenever you want, I've got a spare bedroom for you!

Heidirific said...

Aw, thanks. Unfortunately, it'll be a little while before we get back. Have to get married and have a honeymoon first. :) It does get confusing that so many places can be home. I thought you were supposed to have one of those. Maybe that was before people moved around? :)

Anonymous said...

A producer friend of mine once told me home is where your bed is. Not just your bed, but your super comfy home-feeling bed. That's always stayed with me, esp since in one year, she was in a whole bunch of different beds for work. Wait, that came out wrong. You know what I mean.

When we're here, we say home for Dublin. It's just easier :-). We have a few weeks in each place where we say the wrong place (Ireland where we mean Maine). But that passes quickly..