Sunday, September 02, 2007

Schloss Koepenick

Upon a recommendation of a fellow knitter, we made a trip down to Alt Koepenick to check out a yarn shop. Alt Koepenick is on the southern part of Eastern Berlin and is a lovely little village. Since we like castles, we went to check out the schloss and I was pleasantly surprised. Instead of being a "typical" palace, it is actually a palace museum. It had pieces from palaces around Europe and also had some rooms decorated the way different classes would have it so we were able to see the styles of the middle class as well as the aristocracy.

One of the main things that I enjoyed about the palace was the amount of woodwork. Because my dad worked with wood, I am interested in the different techniques. The museum had information about two different techniques to create designed wood: marquetry and inlay. We also learned that bier steins are not just a tourist thing, people did actually use them and they were decorated in the past.

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