Sunday, June 10, 2007


Thursday was the two year anniversary of my move to Dublin!  It is hard to believe that it has been two years. In some ways, the time has flown by. In others, it has seems like an eternity that we've been over here.

When I was considering moving over, I happened to talk to someone who had just moved back from two years in Ireland. An off hand comment she made has stuck with me and I think about it every now and then. She said that 2 years would be enough to work in Ireland and that I'd be ready to move back after 2 years. At the time, I wondered what she meant. I now think I have an idea.

Anyway, I have been reflecting on the last two years and I am amazed at how much I've grown and changed in the last two years. Moving abroad has allowed me to reflect on my priorities (and change them). It has allowed us to travel more and see Europe. We work less. We go out about the same amount. In general, the pace of life is slower here and there is a balance to life. I have gotten a balance that I never thought I would get. I have always been a workaholic and have finally realized that work isn't the most important thing. I actually rarely think about work once I leave. It is really refreshing and I don't want to go back to taking loads of work home and working 50-60 hours a week.


Anonymous said...

as you know we (nurses) are still working towards a 35 hour work week...I envy your profession and your ability to "slow down". I still have the "North American" attitude of Go, go, go.....when will I ever learn to just relax, eh??? maybe I should leave the nursing profession and knit full-time

Heidirific said...

Anon, yes, I know nurses are working to try to get the 35 hour work week. It is nice when I actually work only 35 hours. Almost everyone I know usually ends up working more but it is nice to know that I can leave if I need to (and don't mind not getting all my work done). I think nurses deserve better working conditions, though. We should all work less and play more. :)

laurie said...

i cannot imagine a 35-hour work week. i simply cannot imagine it. but i do know that it would be great to have better work-life balance.